Meet The Founder

Janet Lee D.O.

Janet Lee came into this world as only Janet Lee could have intended – fiercely independent, passionate to a fault, sensitive and fragile as a hummingbird, yet sharp as a Hattori Hanzo. She knew very early she would be a doctor. Raised in a family of music teachers, she was inspired by sounds around her; and music came forth from instruments, whether it be the piano, violin, or clarinet, as if they played themselves when in her hands. For Janet Lee, music and medicine flowed naturally, where art and science converge.

Meet The Founder

Janet Lee

Janet Lee came into this world as only Janet Lee could have intended – fiercely independent, passionate to a fault, sensitive and fragile as a hummingbird, yet sharp as a Hattori Hanzo. She knew very early she would be a doctor. Raised in a family of music teachers, she was inspired by sounds around her; and music came forth from instruments, whether it be the piano, violin, or clarinet, as if they played themselves when in her hands. For Janet Lee, music and medicine flowed naturally, where art and science converged.

Meet The Founder

Janet Lee

Janet Lee came into this world as only Janet Lee could have intended – fiercely independent, passionate to a fault, sensitive and fragile as a hummingbird, yet sharp as a Hattori Hanzo. She knew very early she would be a doctor. Raised in a family of music teachers, she was inspired by sounds around her; and music came forth from instruments, whether it be the piano, violin, or clarinet, as if they played themselves when in her hands. For Janet Lee, music and medicine flowed naturally, where art and science converge.

The First Convergence

Janet H. Lee, D.O., rpv est. 2010
The first convergence took place in 2010. From its founding, it is a place where, from cell to bedside, knowledge, technology, clarity, and compassion can thrive. A place where, no longer must patients feel constrained or entrapped by statistics, but rest knowing it is only a place of beginning. If evidence-based medicine is all one seeks, there are so many places that can provide it. If you believe that “…old age should burn and rave at close of day” (Dylan Thomas, 1951, Journal Botteghe Oscure), evidence-based medicine, alone, cannot suffice. It is in this spirit that JHLDO, rpv was forged.

The Second Convergence

IDUNN est 2022
The second convergence is IDUNN. The Norse Goddess of rejuvenation, IDUNN is the keeper of the apples of immortality. In Norse mythology, even the Gods are not immune to the effects of time and must eat from the apples of IDUNN to remain young. IDUNN is the manifestation of Dr. Janet Lee’s vision of our own reflection and its lifelong struggle against time. IDUNN, through technology and practice will focus on STRUCTURE, FAÇADE, and SKY, to take back the youth bearing apples of the Gods. In STRUCTURE, we must see what it is that was intended before driving a single nail. Just as it would be a trespass to change a country house into a mid-century modern, we must know upon what our reflection is built before we can know what we may change. In FAÇADE, technology and practice comes to the surface. Our reflection is but a representation of countless numbers of miniscule actors, each in its own critical role, all making up a grand performance. It is through the maestro that a grand performance can be achieved. In SKY, our spirit meets the clouds. SKY represents Dr. Janet Lee’s personal struggle within her own reflection, and will seek to rejuvenate the strength of Samson that has been taken away by time.


From cell to bedside, Dr. Janet Lee is a strong advocate of preventative medicine, entrusting that health maintenance and quality of life are best achieved through lifestyle modifications, with medical intervention only as a last option. She spends a lot of her time counseling patients on healthy lifestyle choices, helping to develop good sustainable habits. Open minded to various types of medicine choices available, she feels internal medicine will be safest at bringing innovative therapies to practice.

When all efforts at conservation are exhausted, intervention will be prescribed with efficiency; with only the latest medical knowledge, technological advances, clarity, and compassion. Always current on the latest medical journals, Dr. Lee holds firmly evidenced based medicine should be the beginning in every patient’s journey through healthcare, not always the end.

Therefore, every patient will be cared for as an individual, and will never be made to feel like a statistic. It is her goal to earn, through knowledge, technology, clarity, and compassion, the trust of all her patients that will last a lifetime.

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